John Crace on the Magna Carta: 1215 and all that
How well do you know the Magna Carta? 800 years on, this extract from Index on Censorship magazine explains the basics.Ā Don't shit with the people, or the people shit with you. Or something like that.
22 Dec 2014


2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. Index on Censorship magazine’s winter issue has a special report that examines all ways in which the document affected modern freedoms. HereĀ John Crace kicks us off withĀ a tongue-in-cheekĀ trip through historyĀ 

Call it a free for all. Call it an innateĀ sense of fair play. Call it what you will,Ā but the English had always had a way ofĀ making their feelings known to a monarchĀ who got a bit above himself by hittingĀ the country for too much money in taxesĀ or losing overseas military campaigns orĀ both. They rebelled. Sometimes it worked,Ā sometimes it didnā€™t but it was the closestĀ medieval England had to due process. ThenĀ came John, a king every bit as unloved ā€“ ifĀ not more so ā€“ as any of his predecessors;Ā a ruler who had gone back on many of hisĀ promises and was doing his best to lose allĀ Englandā€™s French possessions and all of aĀ sudden the barons had a problem. ThereĀ wasnā€™t any obvious candidate to replace him.
So instead of deposing him, they took himĀ on by limiting his powers.

Kings never have much liked being toldĀ what to do and John was no exception. IfĀ he could have got out of cutting a deal withĀ the barons he would have done. But even heĀ understood that impoverishing the peopleĀ he relied on to keep him in power hadnā€™tĀ been the cleverest of moves, and so he reluctantlyĀ agreed to take part in the negotiationsĀ that led to the sealing of The articles of theĀ Barons ā€“ later known as Magna Carta ā€“ atĀ Runnymede on 15 June 1215. Which isnā€™tĀ to say he didnā€™t kick and scream his wayĀ through them before agreeing to the 61 demandsĀ which were the bare minimum for hisĀ remaining in power. He did, though, keep hisĀ fingers cunningly crossed when the seal wasĀ being applied. As soon as the barons had leftĀ London, King John announced — with theĀ Popeā€™s blessing — that he was having no moreĀ to do with it. The barons were outragedĀ and went into open rebellion, though dysenteryĀ got to King John before they did andĀ he died the following year. Donā€™t shit withĀ the people, or the people shit with you. OrĀ something like that.

With the original Magna Carta havingĀ lasted barely three months, there wereĀ some who reckoned they could have savedĀ themselves a lot of time and effort by toppingĀ King John rather than negotiating withĀ him. But wiser ā€“ or perhaps, more peaceful ā€“ counsel prevailed and its spirit hasĀ endured through various subsequent mutationsĀ ā€“ most notably the 1216 Charter, TheĀ Great Charter of 1225 and the ConfirmationĀ of Charters of 1297 and has widely comeĀ to be seen as the foundation stone of constitutionalĀ law, both in England and manyĀ countries around the world. It was the firstĀ time limitations had been formally placedĀ on a monarchā€™s power and the rights ofĀ citizens to the due process of law and trialĀ by jury had been affirmed. Well, not quiteĀ all citizens. When the various charters talkedĀ of the rights of Freemen, it didnā€™t mean everyone;Ā far from it. Freemen just meant thatĀ small class of people, below the barons, whoĀ werenā€™t tied to land as serfs. The Brits haveĀ never liked to rush things. They like theirĀ revolutions to be orderly. The underclassĀ would just have to wait.

Magna Carta and its derivative chartersĀ were never quite the symbols of enlightenedĀ noblesse oblige they are often held to be. TheĀ noblemen didnā€™t sit around earnestly thinkingĀ about how they could turn England intoĀ a communal paradise. What was the point ofĀ having fought and back-stabbed your wayĀ to the top only to give power away to theĀ undeserving? The charters were matters ofĀ political expedience. The nobles needed theĀ Freemen on their side in their face-off withĀ the king and an extension of their rights wasĀ the bargaining chip to secure it. BenevolenceĀ never really entered the equation. Nor wasĀ Magna Carta ever really a legal constitutionalĀ framework. Even if King John hadnā€™tĀ decided to ignore it within months, it wouldĀ still have been virtually unenforceable asĀ it had no statutory authority. It was moreĀ wish-list than law.

Ironically, though, it is Magna Cartaā€™sĀ weaknesses that have turned out to haveĀ guaranteed its survival. Over the centuries,Ā Magna Carta has become the symbol of freedomĀ rather than its guarantor as differentĀ generations have cherry-picked its clausesĀ and interpreted them in their own way. WhileĀ wars and poverty might have been the prime catalyst for the Peasantā€™s Revolt against KingĀ Richard II in 1381, it was Magna Carta toĀ which the rebellion looked for its intellectualĀ legitimacy. The Freemen were now seen to beĀ free men; constitutional rights were no longerĀ seen as residing in the few. The King andĀ his court were outraged that the peasantsĀ had made such an elementary mistake as toĀ mistake the implied capital F in Freemen forĀ a small f and the leaders were executed forĀ their illiteracy as much as their impudence.

Bit by bit, starting in 1829 with the sectionĀ dealing with offences against a person,Ā the clauses of Magna Carta were repealedĀ such that by 1960 only three still survived.Ā Some, such as those concerning ā€œscutageā€ — a tax that allowed knights to buy out ofĀ military service — and fish weirs, had becomeĀ outdated; others had already been superseded by later statutes. Two of those thatĀ remained related to the privileges of both theĀ Church of England and the City of London — a telling insight into the priorities of theĀ establishment. Those who still wonder, followingĀ the global financial collapse of 2008,Ā why the bankers were allowed to get awayĀ with making up the rules to suit themselvesĀ need look no further than Magna Carta. TheĀ bankers had been used to getting away withĀ it for the best of 800 years. You win someĀ you lose some.

The survival of clause 39 of the originalĀ Magna Carta has been rather more significantĀ for the rest of us. ā€œNo Freeman shall beĀ taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of hisĀ Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, orĀ be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed;Ā nor will We not pass upon him, norĀ condemn him, but by lawful judgment of hisĀ Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sellĀ to no man, we will not deny or defer to anyĀ man either Justice or Right.ā€ Or in laymanā€™s terms, due process: the legal requirementĀ of the state to recognise and respect all theĀ legal rights of the individual. The guaranteeĀ of justice, fairness and liberty that not onlyĀ underpins ā€“ well, most of the time – the UKā€™sĀ constitutional framework, but those of manyĀ other countries as well.

Britain has no written constitution. NotĀ because parliament has been too lazy to getĀ round to drawing one up, but because oneĀ is already assumed to be in the lifeblood ofĀ every one living in Britain. Queen Mary mayĀ have had ā€œCalaisā€ written on her heart,Ā but the rest of us all have ā€œMagna Cartaā€Ā inscribed there. It can be found on the insideĀ of the left ventricle, for those of you who areĀ interested in detail. Other countries havenā€™tĀ been so trusting in the genetic inheritance ofĀ feudal England and have insisted on gettingĀ their constitutions down in non-fugitive ink.

That Magna Carta has also been theĀ lodestone for the constitutions of so manyĀ other countries, most notably the USA, is less a sign of the global reach of democraticĀ principles ā€“ much as that might resonateĀ with romantic ideals of justice — than of theĀ spread of British people and British imperialĀ power. After the Mayflower arrivedĀ in what became the USA from PlymouthĀ in 1620, the first settlersā€™ only referenceĀ point for the establishment of civil societyĀ was Magna Carta. The settlers had a lotĀ of other things on their minds in the earlyĀ years — most notably their own survivalĀ and the share price of British American TobaccoĀ — and they hadnā€™t got time to dreamĀ up their own bespoke constitution. If theyĀ had, they might have come up with somethingĀ that abolished slavery and gave equalĀ rights to black people sometime before the 1960s. So they settled for an off-thepegĀ version of Magna Carta, with variousĀ US amendments. And some poor spelling.Ā In 1687 William Penn published the firstĀ version of Magna Carta to be printed inĀ America. By the time the fifth amendment —Ā part of the bill of rights ā€“ was ratified fourĀ years after the original US constitution inĀ 1791, Magna Carta had been enshrined inĀ American law with ā€œNo person shall be deprivedĀ of life, liberty or property withoutĀ due process of law.ā€

The fact that the American idea of MagnaĀ Carta was not one that would necessarilyĀ have been recognised in Britain was neitherĀ here nor there. For the Americans, the notionĀ of the rights of a people to govern themselvesĀ was more than something that had beenĀ fought for over many centuries ā€“ a gradualĀ taking back of power from an absoluteĀ ruler — that had been ratified on paper. TheyĀ were fundamental rights that pre-existedĀ any country and transcended national borders.Ā And even if there was no one left aliveĀ on Earth, these rights would remain. TheyĀ might as well have been handed down byĀ God, though itā€™s probably just as well AdamĀ hadnā€™t read the sections on the right to defend himself and bear arms. If he had shotĀ the serpent, the whole history of the worldĀ might have been very different. As it is, whenĀ the Americans took on the British in theĀ War of Independence, they werenā€™t fightingĀ against a colonial overlord so much as forĀ their basic rights to freedom.

The distinction is a subtle but importantĀ one. For though the more recent constitutionsĀ of former British colonies, such asĀ Australia, India, Canada and New Zealand,Ā more closely reflected the way Magna CartaĀ was understood back in the mothership,Ā those interpretations of it were still veryĀ much a product of their time. As a historicalĀ document, Magna Carta remains fixedĀ in the 13th century: a practical solution toĀ the problem of an iffy king. But as a conceptĀ it is a shifting, timeless expression of theĀ democratic ideal. It can mean and explainĀ anything. Up to and including that BritainĀ always knows best.

Yet the appeal of Magna Carta enduresĀ and it remains the gold standard for democracyĀ in any debate. Whatever side of it youĀ happen to be on. British eurosceptics argueĀ that the UKā€™s continuing membership of theĀ European Union threatens the very parchmentĀ on which it was written; that Britain isĀ being turned into a serf by a European despot.Ā Pro Europeans argue that the EU doesĀ more than just enshrine the ideals of MagnaĀ Carta, it turns the most threatened elementsĀ of it into law.

Eight hundred years on, Magna CartaĀ remains a moving target. Something to beĀ aspired to but never truly attained. A highlyĀ combustible compound of idealism andĀ pragmatism. Somehow, though, you canā€™tĀ help feeling that King John and the feudalĀ barons would have understood that. And approved.

This article is from the Winter 2014 issue of Index on Censorship magazine as 1215 and all that.

This article was originally posted on Dec 22, 2014 at