Index on Censorship Award winners 2005
These are the winners of the 2005 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards
01 Mar 05

The Index on Censorship Book Award 

In his book Soldiers of Light journalist Daniel Bergner records the experiences of a remarkable cast of characters as they look to the future of Sierra Leone and attempt to begin new lives. The book is a lively account of the moral and ethical dilemmas which the aftermath of a brutal atrocity can bring.

The Index on Censorship Film Award

Final Solution by Rakesh Sharma examines the Hindu-Muslim polarisation in Gujarat during the period February 2002 – July 2003 depicting severe human right violations that followed the burning of 58 Hindus on the Sabarmati Express. The film was banned in India.

The Index on Censorship/ Hugo Young Award for Journalism

Sumi Khan is a Chittagong correspondent for the Bangladeshi magazine Weekly 2000. For her investigative articles alleging the involvement of local politicians and religious groups in attacks on members of minority communities she had received death threats, and was attacked and critically wounded in 2004.

The Index on Censorship Law Award

The New York based Center for Constitutional Rights works to uphold the rights of people with the least access to legal resources to the standards of the US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The CCR was involved in the legal battle on Guantanamo issues.

The Index on Censorship Whistleblower Award

The sociologist and criminologist Grigoris Lazos from Greece has made the fight against human trafficking and the corruption it breeds his vocation. He is credited with almost single-handedly putting the issue of human trafficking on the government’s agenda and for mobilising civil society.