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In a landmark judgment, the High Court has ruled that information on Mohamed’s treatment should be released, despite the objections of the Foreign Office. Index on Censorship reports
Elected representative have been denied privileged access to the House of Commons. Is censorship a factor? Index on Censorship reports
Martin Wingfield says the denial of priveileges to MEPs visiting parliament is a sledgehammer used to crack the BNP nut
This is a guest post by Orlando Figes
It is hard to get a firm handle on the latest development in the Kremlin’s “history wars” — its militant campaign to censor all but the most positive assessments of the Stalin period. The arrest of Mikhail Suprun, a history professor in Arkhangel’sk, for collecting personal data on German POWs and Soviet Germans in the Gulags of the Arctic North is unprecedented and, on the face of it, so extreme and absurd that there may be something more to it than meets the eye. But it is an alarming development. For two reasons.