Chinese government to intervene in Dalai Lama succession
The new Governor of Tibet has said that the Dalai Lama does not have a right to choose his successor and must instead must abide by the “requirements” of Tibetan Buddhist tradition, according to the Xinhua news agency. The government’s stance on the issue seems to be hardening after its ruling that the next Dalai […]
10 Mar 10

The new Governor of Tibet has said that the Dalai Lama does not have a right to choose his successor and must instead must abide by the “requirements” of Tibetan Buddhist tradition, according to the Xinhua news agency. The government’s stance on the issue seems to be hardening after its ruling that the next Dalai Lama must be approved by the government. The Governor’s comments on Sunday made it even more likely that the current Dalai Lama will be succeeded by two new Dalai Lamas, one chosen by Tibetan religious leaders in exile and another by the Chinese government. “It is unreasonable to do whatever he wants,” Governor Padma Choling said of the Dalai Lama’s ideas. “There’s no way for him to do so.”