France 24 suspended in Cote d’Ivoire
The Cote d’Ivoire government suspended transmission of the broadcaster France 24 last week citing the agency’s biased reporting of political unrest in the West African country. The National Council for Audiovisual Communication scrambled the French station’s signal on 22 February and said that it will remain blocked until further notice. This followed France 24’s coverage […]
08 Mar 10

The Cote d’Ivoire government suspended transmission of the broadcaster France 24 last week citing the agency’s biased reporting of political unrest in the West African country. The National Council for Audiovisual Communication scrambled the French station’s signal on 22 February and said that it will remain blocked until further notice. This followed France 24’s coverage of an incident in the western city of Gagnoa, where government forces killed five demonstrators protesting against President Laurent Gbagbo’s decision to disband the government and electoral commission. Robert Mahoney, Deputy Director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, urged the authorities to reverse this ban and “refrain from censorship”.