Video of Dale McAlpine arrest
Padraig Reidy: Video of Dale McAlpine arrest
14 May 10

This is really quite depressing. The Christian Institute has posted footage of the arrest of street preacher Dale McAlpine for alleged homophobic comments. McAlpine’s apparent crime was to state that homosexuality was sinful. He is entitled to believe that, and to say that.

But what’s absolutely absurd about this case is that the police arrest McAlpine for a racially aggravated incident. Now, whatever your stance on McAlpine’s beliefs, (though I hope you’re unequivocal about his right to hold his beliefs), surely saying that homosexuality is a sin doesn’t make him a racist.

Dale McAlpine was wrongfully arrested. It would be a real sin if this case were to be taken any further.


Hat tip: Mediawatchwatch

Read Nigel Warburton’s take on Dale McAlpine’s plight here