Apple removes ‘gay cure’ app following petition
Apple appears to have removed an application designed to provide “freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus”, following widespread condemnation and a petition signed by over 149,000 people. Apple, which has strict regulation of products available in its store, had marked the app with a “4+” rating, indicating that the application contained “no objectionable […]
23 Mar 11

Apple appears to have removed an application designed to provide “freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus”, following widespread condemnation and a petition signed by over 149,000 people.

Apple, which has strict regulation of products available in its store, had marked the app with a “4+” rating, indicating that the application contained “no objectionable content”.

The petition, started on by think tank Truth Wins Out, demanded that Apple remove the Exodus app from its iTunes store. It stated:

Apple doesn’t allow racist or anti-Semitic apps in its app store, yet it is giving the green light to an app targeting vulnerable LGBT youth with the message that their sexual orientation is a “sin that will make your heart sick” and a “counterfeit.” This is a double standard that has the potential for devastating consequences.