Irwan Abdul Raman, a blogger and editor better known as “Hassan Skodeng”, who was facing a one year prison sentence and a hefty fine for writing a satirical blog, has had the charges against him dropped. He had been accused of publishing online content deemed “obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with malicious intent”. He had published a satirical article on his blog claiming that the main electricity firm, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, would allegedly sue the environmental group World Wildlife Fund for urging people to switch off their lights for the annual Earth Hour initiative.
Malaysia: Case against blogger dropped
Irwan Abdul Raman, a blogger and editor better known as “Hassan Skodeng”, who was facing a one year prison sentence and a hefty fine for writing a satirical blog, has had the charges against him dropped. He had been accused of publishing online content deemed “obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with malicious […]
16 Mar 11
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Saudi Arabia’s hosting of the 2034 World Cup is just another attempt at sportswashing