USA: LA Councillor motions for ID requests to buy spray paint
Stores may be required to request ID for those buying spray paint under new motions.  LA Councilman Dennis Zine has made calls for a motion which would require stores to keep record of the name and address of anyone buying spray paint and “graffiti paraphernalia” including spray paint nozzles, paint pens, glass cutting, and etching […]
09 Sep 11

Stores may be required to request ID for those buying spray paint under new motions.  LA Councilman Dennis Zine has made calls for a motion which would require stores to keep record of the name and address of anyone buying spray paint and “graffiti paraphernalia” including spray paint nozzles, paint pens, glass cutting, and etching tools.  Stores will be required to keep a record of these purchases for two years. Zine believes this will encourage the public to participate in the fight against graffiti.