Leveson witness list announced
Marta Cooper: Leveson witness list announced
18 Nov 11

A provisional list of witnesses and hacking victims giving evidence next week in the Leveson Inquiry has been announced.

The schedule is as follows:

Monday 21 November
Bob Dowler
Sally Dowler
Hugh Grant
Graham Shear
Joan Smith

Tuesday 22 November
Steve Coogan
Mary-Ellen Field
Garry Flitcroft
Margaret Watson

Wednesday 23 November
Sheryl Gascoigne
Mark Lewis
Gerry McCann
Tom Rowland

Thursday 24 November
Sienna Miller
Max Mosley
JK Rowling
Mark Thomson

Monday 28 November
Charlotte Church
Anne Diamond
Ian Hurst
Chris Jefferies
Jane Winter

After David Sherborne’s scathing illustration of the British tabloids on Wednesday, next week’s sessions are expected to be even more damaging to the reputation of the press.

Follow Index on Censorship’s coverage of the Leveson Inquiry on Twitter – @IndexLeveson.