Past Event: 25th July: NSA, surveillance, free speech and privacy
25th July: NSA, surveillance, free speech and privacy
12 Jul 13

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Venue Doughty Street Chambers,
54 Doughty Street
London, WC1N 2LS (map)
Time 6.30pm
RSVP [email protected]
Space is limited, so please reserve a place early

Edward Snowden’s leaks about the US’s international mass surveillance programmes has prompted perhaps the definitive debate of our age: How free are we online? Can we ever trust technology with our personal details?

Have democratic freedoms been subverted by surveillance programmes such as PRISM and Tempora, justified on the grounds of security?

Join Index on Censorship and Doughty Street Chambers on 25 July to discuss these issues and more.

Speakers include

Charles Arthur (Technology Editor, the Guardian)

Stephen Cragg, QC (Doughty Street Chambers)

Kirsty Hughes (Chief Executive, Index on Censorship)

Bella Sankey (Policy director, Liberty)


Chair: Kirsty Brimelow (Doughty Street Chambers, Chairwoman of Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales

READ: Snowden leaks open up the great question of our age