Read the full text of the policy paper “Belarus: Time for media reform” here. | Поўны тэкст аналітычнага дакладу “За рэформы медыя ў Беларусі” можна пабачыць тут.
Join Index at a presentation of a new policy paper on media freedom in Belarus on 19 February, 2014, 15.00 at the Office for Democratic Belarus, Rue de la Loi 42, Brussels.
The new policy paper Belarus: Time for media reform created by Index on Censorship in cooperation with the Belarusian Association of Journalists, reveals how Belarusian independent media outlets live and develop in the climate of restricted freedoms and opportunities, and how the international community can help to influence the situation inspiring and supporting media reforms.
- What are the main challenges for media freedom in Belarus?
- What trends does Belarus set for other authoritarian regimes?
- Does internet change the rules of the game?
- What is the role of the EU in influencing the free speech situation in Belarus?
Join the conversation with the leading media experts:
- Andrei Aliaksandrau (Index on Censorship, London)
- Andrei Bastunets (Belarusian Association of Journalists, Minsk)
- Oliver Money-Kyrle (International Federation of Journalists, Brussels)
Please RSVP at [email protected]
Organizers express their gratitude to the Office for a Democratic Belarus for the support in making this event possible.