Index Awards 2014: Catching up with arts nominee Lucien Bourjeily
The playwright tells Index that many Lebanese people don't know that censorship exists in their country
04 Jul 14

(Photo: Lucien Bourjeily/Twitter)

Three months have passed since the 2014 Index Awards and we caught up with arts nominee, Lucien Bourjeily. The Lebanese playwright told Index he is working on the sequel to his play, Will It Pass Or Not?, which was banned because it was about censorship. He hopes the same will not happen to the sequel, but says that even if it does, he is motivated to keep working and to get his message out.

Lebanon: General security return passport to critical writer (29 May 2014)

Index Freedom of Expression Awards: Arts nominee Lucien Bourjeily (13 March 2014)

From the Magazine: Will It Pass or Not? A play by Lucien Bourjeily (12 Feb 2014)