Should we go on holiday to repressive countries? (Prospect, 18 July 2018)
Among the honey-coloured buildings of Valetta’s main street in front of the courthouse is a shrine to Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese journalist murdered on the island last October. Tourists walking through the Unesco World Heritage city this summer might be surprised to stumble upon the shrine—which includes photos and messages—just outside the court buildings. Read in […]
18 Jul 18

Among the honey-coloured buildings of Valetta’s main street in front of the courthouse is a shrine to Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese journalist murdered on the island last October. Tourists walking through the Unesco World Heritage city this summer might be surprised to stumble upon the shrine—which includes photos and messages—just outside the court buildings. Read in full.