Classified ad site Craigslist has closed its “Adult Services” section, after a campaign by 17 states to have it removed. Attorneys general from Montana to Virginia wrote a letter to Craigslist chief executive Jim Buckmaster last month, urging him to shut down the erotic ads section. The link has now been blacked out and replaced with the word “censored”. The decision only affects the US version of the site. Craigslist has previously cited in its defence the federal Communications Decency Act, which protects websites from liability for content posted by users. The company has not yet commented on the recent removal.
US: Craigslist “adult” adverts censored
Classified ad site Craigslist has closed its “Adult Services” section, after a campaign by 17 states to have it removed. Attorneys general from Montana to Virginia wrote a letter to Craigslist chief executive Jim Buckmaster last month, urging him to shut down the erotic ads section. The link has now been blacked out and replaced […]
06 Sep 10
Joe Mulhall, Solá Akingbolá and Hanna Komar champion silenced musicians
Index on Censorship launches latest issue of magazine with powerful night of poetry and music
Bobi Wine still standing up to oppression in Uganda, politically and musically
Yoweri Museveni’s most formidable challenger refuses to be silenced and remains on the frontline of protest
Afghanistan’s female lawyers are the latest target for the Taliban
Pursuing a legal career has become impossible for women in the country. Some of those women told Index their stories
Editor in exile: One journalist’s daring escape from Myanmar
Index travels to Germany to meet exiled newspaper editor Kyaw Min Swe, who faced torture and imprisonment at the hands of the military junta