Judgement on Malik Production Order delayed
The verdict on whether a police Production Order should be served on journalist Shiv Malik will not be revealed until next Monday, Index has learned. Malik, author of Leaving Al-Qaeda, an account of the extremist activities of former Islamist Hassan Butt, is refusing to hand over materials requested by Greater Manchester Police’s Counter Terrorism Unit. […]
25 Mar 08

The verdict on whether a police Production Order should be served on journalist Shiv Malik will not be revealed until next Monday, Index has learned.

Malik, author of Leaving Al-Qaeda, an account of the extremist activities of former Islamist Hassan Butt, is refusing to hand over materials requested by Greater Manchester Police’s Counter Terrorism Unit. The police, who gave evidence in secret at today’s hearing, say the material may be important to their investigations in to UK terror networks.

By Padraig Reidy

Padraig Reidy is the editor of Little Atoms and a columnist for Index on Censorship. He has also written for The Observer, The Guardian, and The Irish Times.