Russia: GQ writer attacked by journalist and Putin supporter
A writer for the Russian edition of GQ magazine has said he was assaulted by another journalist and a blogger. Political columnist Andrew Ryvkin claims he was attacked by journalist Sergei Minayev and blogger Eduard Bagirov in Central Moscow on Tuesday. Ryvkin tweeted that Minayev and Bagirov grabbed him and hit him in the face. The writer added that his attackers said they […]
07 Mar 12

A writer for the Russian edition of GQ magazine has said he was assaulted by another journalist and a blogger. Political columnist Andrew Ryvkin claims he was attacked by journalist Sergei Minayev and blogger Eduard Bagirov in Central Moscow on Tuesday. Ryvkin tweeted that Minayev and Bagirov grabbed him and hit him in the face. The writer added that his attackers said they would “beat him to death” next time.

Minayev admitted his involvement in the assault on Twitter, saying it was in response to the writer having described him in a vulgar way in a recent article.