UK “Snooper’s Charter” should be dropped
The Queen's Speech is on 8 May, and Home Secretary Theresa May is still pushing for "Snooper's Charter" to go through. Write to your MP to and let them know that the bill should be dropped.
18 Apr 13

The Queen’s Speech is set to take place on 8 May this year, and according to UK-based campaigning group 38 Degrees, Home Secretary Theresa May is still pushing for the controversial Communications Data Bill to go through.

The £1.8 million plan — known as “the Snooper’s Charter” by opponents — would require that all telecommunications companies monitor the phone, e-mail, and web usage of citizens. Index has previously called the draft bill “unacceptable”, and said last year that “the decisions the UK Parliament takes on this bill will impact on human rights both in the UK and beyond, not least in authoritarian states.”

Write to your MP to and let them know that the bill should be dropped.
Plus read Index on Censorship on the Communications Data Bill