Afef Abrougui

Tunisian blogger tells of assault by police

In a period of less than three months, Zakaria Bouguira, a Tunisian blogger and medical student, has been assaulted twice by police. The first time was on 13 November last year as he was videotaping police officers physically and verbally abusing...

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Samir Feriani trial delayed

On 16 February a court postponed the trial of Samir Feriani to 1 March. Ferani is charged with “distributing false information”, and “accusing a public employee of violating law without proof". Feriani, a former senior official at the Interior...

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Tunisians defend free media on 1 February

On 1 February Tunisian journalists raised the slogan ‘’no to assaults against journalists, no to restrictions on freedoms of expression, and no to guardianship over media”, organising a campaign defending freedom of press. On 27 January,...

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