Emily Butselaar
Shooting the messenger

Shooting the messenger

Argentina has found an effective way of stifling independent inflation data — fining economists who question the official government statistics. Ed Stocker reports

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Life After Wikileaks

Recap last night’s panel, PJ Crowley, who resigned as US State Department spokesman over the treatment of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange’s attorney Mark Stephens, investigative journalist Andrei Soldatov, Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism Emily Bell and Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen debated the fallout from WikiLeaks for freedom of speech, national security and the media

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Laying propaganda to rest

At last night's UNESCO's 2011 World Press Freedom Day event, a distinguished panel examined the freedom to report in light of the Arab Spring. One of the panelists was Shahira Amin, the brave Egyptian news anchor who quit in protest at Mubarak...

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