What do you know about the intersection of human rights and football? Take our quiz and find out

What do you know about the intersection of human rights and football? Take our quiz and find out
Index and ARTICLE 19 call on Belarusian authorities to quash prison terms and release our former colleague, his wife and others from the BelaPAN news agency
New rules cannot come fast enough as Kazakhstan university endowment fund associated with former president issues legal proceedings against UK media outlets
The autumn issue of Index takes as its central theme the FIFA World Cup that will take place in Qatar in November and December 2022. A country where human rights are constantly under threat, Qatar is under the spotlight and many are calling for a...
Volume 51.03 Autumn 2022
Dear respondent, We at Index on Censorship received information earlier this year about important archival material related to the UK royal family that a prominent historian struggled to access. We want to know if this episode is a one-off or part...
Index calls on the new Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to ensure legislation does not damage rights to freedom of expression and privacy
On the anniversary of the detention of two young Chinese human rights defenders, Index joins call for country to uphold its international obligations
Index joins with other journalists’, media freedom, and human rights organisations to call for strengthened efforts to increase transparency in media ownership
The Queen’s death has put freedom of expression under the spotlight after anti-monarchy protesters were arrested. Read our rolling coverage of the issues
Supporters of the author read extracts of his work to show their support as he remains in hospital following horrific attack on 12 August
Join us in sending messages of support to the author, who was attacked as he prepared to give a lecture in New York state in August 2022