Julia Farrington
Julia Farrington is an associate arts producer at Index on Censorship

art and the message

A quick round up of some shows I visited in the latter part of this year that I would like to mention. Palestine Monologues at Arcola Theatre is the latest in a series of rehearsed readings of testimories (Asylum Monolgues, Rendition Monologues)...

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Sticks ‘n’ stones may break my bones

On Sunday I was invited to the London Regional Meeting of UK Youth Parliament at Tower Hamlets Town Hall to give a brief presentation about freedom of expression. This was triggered by an article in Debatable UKYP's magazine stating that 90 per...

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Turkey bans blogspot

A Turkish Court has banned internet users in Turkey from accessing blogs hosting service Blogger.com and any blogspot.com domain. The court decision came after the Digiturk Company, a subscription based only digital TV platform owning the right to...

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Hello from Index Arts

Hello from Index Arts

By way of an introduction to this entry, I am going to start a regular blog about the work of Index Arts. This has been an almost totally static page for far too long but things are going to change. I plan to let you know what I am doing in the...

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