As the G20 conference approaches, who will defend free speech, asks Kirsty Hughes

As the G20 conference approaches, who will defend free speech, asks Kirsty Hughes
As the numbers steadily mount of those killed by the Egyptian military and police in yesterday’s attacks on Muslim Brotherhood camps, the prospects for Egypt’s ‘Arab spring’ are looking bleak, Kirsty Hughes says
While Turkey this week jailed its former Chief of Staff, General Ilker Basbug, in Egypt, General Sisi’s popularity is still riding high following the army’s ousting of President Morsi. Kirsty Hughes writes
States, and companies, collecting huge amounts of data on people and populations around the world. Is this a mass surveillance nightmare – the digital Stasi roaming free – or just big data and we should get over it? Kirsty Hughes writes
Is there enough common ground between German, UK or even Russian politicians to push for real changes in US (and UK and French) snooping? Kirsty Hughes writes
From the Magazine: Freedom of expression is a universal, fundamental human right. But who actually has access to free expression? Index CEO Kirsty Hughes looks at the evidence.
Our special report explores dramatic shifts in the landscape of freedom of expression in recent years.
We are now living in a multipolar world, where emerging powers command considerable influence and where economics, politics and cultural expression are being redefined. The protection of free speech in one country may amount to criminal insult in another. Whether it’s religious offence, public order or online freedom, India, Brazil, the United States and Russia have vastly different approaches. How they position themselves on the international stage – and how they resolve matters when countries clash – could have enormous impact for the future of free expression.
Includes articles by: Guy Berger; John Sauven; Salil Tripathi; Frank La Rue; Ronald Deibert and more.
The protests erupting across Turkey have shown a wider audience – domestic and international – the increasingly problematic nature of Turkish democracy, and its growing authoritarian tendencies. Index on Censorship CEO Kirsty Hughes writes
Does surveillance and monitoring chill free expression? Is population-wide mass surveillance always a bad idea? Amongst many questions and debates at today’s Stockholm Internet Forum, the answers to these two questions are surely obvious – yes to both, writes Index on Censorship CEO Kirsty Hughes from Sweden.
Index on Censorship CEO Kirsty Hughes writes that there is cause for deep concern that the EU is failing to protect press freedom, a core element of democracies.
Index CEO Kirsty Hughes looks at the current climate for free speech around the world, from press regulation in the UK to ongoing challenges to digital freedom
Index on Censorship’s Kirsty Hughes talks to Sir Hugh Orde, one of the UK’s most senior police officers, about protest, public order and politics