A TV giant in the USA is preventing a documentary film about the Babyn Yar massacre being shown

A TV giant in the USA is preventing a documentary film about the Babyn Yar massacre being shown
A London art gallery has pulled an exhibition about Russian dissidents because an Israeli artist refused to condemn “the Zionist regime”
The plea deal reached between the WikiLeaks founder and the US government sets a worrying precedent
The recent inquiry into slave labour camps on Alderney showed much of the story of the islands remains untold
The atrocity deniers are everywhere and we need to scream over them with the truth
Our editor-at-large opens up about his personal, complicated relationship with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
Agfhan reporter’s flight to safety in Paris from the Taliban is the moment you chose as part of our year-end campaign
Al Jazeera’s bureau chief has lost many family members in the Gaza conflict including his son Hamza, one of 76 Palestinian journalists who are reported dead. Index speaks to a fellow journalist and family friend about the tragedy
The country is still divided over the dictator’s legacy, as violence over the weekend shows
The peaceful island of Alderney was involved in the darkest chapter of World War II. Both residents and politicians have tried to keep a lid on this history but the silence is ending
Finding the truth about what is happening in Russia is almost impossible but the country’s remaining independent media are working hard to do so
Rappler editor-in-chief breaks silence over Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism report on digital news