After more than twenty years of investigative reporting, one of the most trusted weeklies in Serbia, Vranjske Novine, was forced to shut down.

After more than twenty years of investigative reporting, one of the most trusted weeklies in Serbia, Vranjske Novine, was forced to shut down.
A petition urging advertisers to withdraw their ads from provocative right-wing blog GeenStijl, shook up The Netherlands last month.
A few days before the 2 April 2017 Serbian presidential elections, a picture was posted on Twitter that caused an unexpected storm
Journalists and columnists in The Netherlands are dealing with threats when writing about the controversial black-faced children’s character Black Pete.
A series of attacks and death threats towards journalists and broadcasters has stirred unrest amongst journalists in Europe’s youngest country
Dutch journalists have been threatened in aftermath of Turkish coup attempt
Journalists and citizens in Serbia’s northern city of Novi Sad are taking the streets after a wave of dismissals at the regional broadcaster Radio Television Vojvodina
Mapping Media Freedom correspondent Mitra Nazar details an ongoing smear campaign aimed at discrediting investigative journalists and casting doubt on the corruption they uncover
Mapping Media Freedom correspondent Mitra Nazar explores the trend toward barring journalists from public debates about housing asylum seekers
Mapping Media Freedom correspondent Mitra Nazar speaks to journalist Anuska Delic about the article that almost landed her in prison for three years
In November, a Belgrade tabloid began targeting independent media outlets by labelling them as “foreign spies”.
As of October, journalists in Kosovo experiencing harassment or receiving threats can call a 24/7 helpline for support