Judge Liam McNally’s decision to allow the unpleasant Pastor James McConnell walk free is a little triumph for free speech

Judge Liam McNally’s decision to allow the unpleasant Pastor James McConnell walk free is a little triumph for free speech
Pity poor Tyson Fury. No, wait, don’t. He’s heavyweight champion of the world and doesn’t seem particularly bothered what you or I think
There are a few techniques you can use to spot whether someone has slightly dodgy views on the world. My favourite is the hand-chopping test.
This week’s intervention by Lord Ashcroft might not be the best example of the old speak-truth-to-power schtick, but being rude about powerful people is very important and even cathartic
Ireland’s richest media mogul, owner of the country’s largest newspaper group, had a satire malfunction last week when his solicitors, Meaghers, pursued up-and-coming satirical website Waterford Whispers.
This is the British way of free expression; a matter of practicality rather than principle, a pliable concept, one that can almost always be tempered by appeals to taste
The prosecution of Pastor James McConnell under the Communications Act is the action of a prosecution service more interested in appearing to be liberal than upholding justice and rights
Every so often (roughly generationally) there are upheavals in mores and language. We’re on that cusp now.
What might have happened when the leader of the world’s largest state met the leader of the world’s smallest?
Irish billionaire Denis O’Brien got on an injunction on the reporting of a speech in parliament regarding his private banking relationships
If we are to imagine free speech as a defining value of democracy (as David Cameron has said he does) then we cannot just choose which free speech we will defend and which we will not (as David Cameron has said he wants to)
I was reminded of poet Carolyn Forché and her concept of witness when I read the reactions to the court decision that would finally allow pianist James Rhodes to publish his memoir, Instrumental