Journalist Shubhranshu Choudhary is the brain behind CGNet Swara a mobile-phone service that allows citizens to upload and listen to local reports in their local language.

Journalist Shubhranshu Choudhary is the brain behind CGNet Swara a mobile-phone service that allows citizens to upload and listen to local reports in their local language.
Free Weibo is an uncensored version of China’s biggest social network, SinaWeibo.
Rapper Mayam Mahmoud uses hip-hop to address issues such as sexual harassment and to stand up for women’s rights in Egypt.
Lucien Bourjeily openly confronted the Lebanese censorship bureau by writing a play Would It Pass Or Not? about censorship in Lebanon.
Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye has produced critical investigative reports on the US military’s activities in Yemen, including drone attacks.
Dina Meza is an investigative journalist working for the Committee of Relatives of the Detainees and Disappeared in Honduras, an incredibly difficult environment for press freedom.
Callum Macrae, in collaboration with Channel 4 News, has made three films uncovering the truth about Sri Lanka’s human rights abuses in the final months of its decades-long civil war in 2009.
Greenwald and Poitras uncovered the biggest international story of 2013, using leaks from the USA’s National Security Agency to illuminate the breadth of online surveillance carried out by governments.
The Colectivo Chuchan is a mental health pressure group campaigning to change the treatment of people within Mexico’s mental health institutions.
Shahzad Ahmad is one of the leading voices in the fight against online censorship in Pakistan. The country faces a deteriorating state of cyber freedom, as the government uses draconian censorship laws and increasing surveillance to police the internet.
Generation Wave has been at the forefront of promoting democratic engagement in Burma, using hip hop, graffiti, film and street art to challenge authoritarianism since 2007 – with a strict policy of non-violence.
Rommy Mom is Nigeria’s David fighting the Goliath of a dysfunctional government. Taylor Walker reports on his nomination in the advocacy category in the 2014 Index Freedom of Expression Awards.