Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners


Following a highly disputed election, Belarusian dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka claimed victory in August 2020. Protests erupted and a vicious crackdown ensued. Four years on from the election, there are more than 1400 political prisoners in Belarus. Join Index on Censorship for an evening of art, activism and film exploring the true stories of political dissidents behind bars.

Film Screening
The Accidental President by Roast Beef Productions follows the incredible but true story of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, an ordinary housewife from Belarus who was thrust onto the international political stage when her husband was arrested for daring to challenge Alexander Lukashenka for the presidency.

With her husband a political prisoner, Tsikhanouskaya courageously stepped forward and won the popular vote – but was robbed of her democratic victory by Lukashenka’s dictatorial hand on power. Unbowed by deadly threats from her powerful political rival and the KGB, Tsikhanouskaya became a beacon of hope for change in her country.

Panel Discussion
Join activists, experts and film makers for a short discussion on making The Accidental President and an exploration of what dissent looks and feels like in Belarus.

Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisoners gives unjustly detained individuals a voice by collecting, translating, publishing and displaying their letters. The exhibition includes original artwork and poetry. Designed and curated by Martha Hegarty on behalf of Index on Censorship.

The exhibition is inspired by Letters from Lukashenka’s Prisonersa project that was carried out by Index on Censorship in partnership with Belarus Free TheatreHuman Rights House Foundation and Politzek.me between 2021 and 2023.

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Event Information

  St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8TY, United Kingdom
}  August 05, 2024
  Monday, 06:00 pm to 09:30 pm
  [email protected]
   Remaining Tickets: 100

Event Organizer

   Index on Censorship
  [email protected]

Event Location

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