To what extent is it possible to escape everyday surveillance amidst these developments and how would this affect our communications?

To what extent is it possible to escape everyday surveillance amidst these developments and how would this affect our communications?
After strong lobbying from senior Tory peers, two private members’ debating student societies from Oxford and Cambridge universities were exempted from the controversial counter-terror ban on extremist speakers. Even though the two societies are...
This month, we've been asking the question "Graphic content on social media: How much is too much?" While graphic content shown in mainstream media usually comes with a content warning, as well as being subject to the editing processes of news...
With the rise of Islamic State (IS) in the Middle East, people across various platforms of social media are sharing videos of brutal killings by the terrorist organisation. This month’s #IndexDrawTheLine question is: How much is too much? Royal...
Growth can only happen when old obsolete ideas are replaced with newer, relevant ones. If we don’t challenge the established system of thought, we can’t move forward. If ideas that don’t work anymore aren’t rejected, new ones won’t find space....
Censorship, and the degree to which we self-censor, is becoming an increasingly difficult, yet pressing and vitally important, topic of debate amongst an ever-growing international community. Now, in the internet age, it has never been easier to...
“We want to laugh at the extremists – every extremist. They can be Muslim, Jewish, Catholic. Everyone can be religious but extremist thoughts and acts we cannot accept,” Laurent Léger, a journalist at Charlie Hebdo--a satirical magazine where an...
Religious freedom and religious radicalism which leads to extremism has become an increasingly difficult balancing act in the digital age where presenting religious superiority through fear and "terror" is possible both locally and internationally...
The second cohort of Index on Censorship's Youth Advisory Board was announced today. The members will discuss topical freedom of expression events, participate in #IndexDrawtheLine debates and advise Index on youth issues. The new board will sit...
Ahead of the UK general election, students discussed voting rights and free expression