Our reporter talks to a young journalist and the director of a young people’s organisation who have been threatened and censored for their work

Our reporter talks to a young journalist and the director of a young people’s organisation who have been threatened and censored for their work
The autumn issue of Index takes as its central theme the FIFA World Cup that will take place in Qatar in November and December 2022. A country where human rights are constantly under threat, Qatar is under the spotlight and many are calling for a...
Index on Censorship has always supported the theatre of resistance, and our Winter 2021 magazine even had this issue as its main theme. In Belarus, for example, organisations such as Belarus Free Theatre are crucial to fighting Lukashenka’s...
The summer issue of Index magazine concentrated its efforts on the developing situation between Russia and Ukraine and consequential effects around Europe and the world. We decided to give voice to journalists, artists and dissidents who chose to...
Meet the three shortlisted journalists for this year’s award
Meet the three shortlisted campaigners and campaign groups for this year’s award
The Winter issue of Index magazine highlights the battles fought by theatre of resistance across the world and how they've been enduring different forms of censorship. Writer Jonathan Maitland dives deeply into the history of theatre censorship in...
لا يزال الصحفي الكيني ياسين جمعة مختبئاً بعد اعتقاله بسبب نشره تقارير عن هجمات حركة الشباب. في أول مكالمة هاتفية له منذ قراره أن يختبئ، تحدّث جمعة مع إسماعيل عيناشه حول تزايد التهديدات التي يتعرض لها الصحفيون في كينيا
El periodista keniano Yassin Juma permanece oculto desde su arresto por informar sobre los atentados de Al-Shabab. En su primera conversación telefónica desde que pasara a la clandestinidad, Juma habla con Ismail Einashe sobre el aumento de las amenazas que sufren los periodistas en Kenia
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text="Кенийский журналист Ясин Джума продолжает скрываться после своего ареста за репортажи о нападениях «Аш-Шабааб». В своем первом телефонном звонке с тех пор, как он ушел в подполье, Джума беседует с...