After countless missed deadlines, Zambia is finally making progress towards a new constitution. But real change will require more than just a piece of paper. Paul Carlucci of Think Africa Press reports on the progress

After countless missed deadlines, Zambia is finally making progress towards a new constitution. But real change will require more than just a piece of paper. Paul Carlucci of Think Africa Press reports on the progress
Legal challenge expected against “draconian” new regulator, Duke Mangera writes
Two people could face up to five years in prison for selling the film
Barely three weeks after Gambia’s president Yahya Jammeh announced the lifting of the ban on two private media institutions — the Standard Newspaper and Terranga FM — the government arrested two journalists, Buya Jammeh reports
“We believe the Kenyan public deserves better,” says the Kenya Film Classification Board
Facebook has nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users –that’s nearly 20% of the total global population. Yet, in some countries harsh sanctions and time in jail can be imposed on those who comment on social media, in the majority of cases for speaking out against their government.
The rebel group said anyone who doesn’t comply will be “considered to be working with the enemy and they will be dealt with in accordance Sharia law”
Chinese coverage of Nelson Mandela’s death has reflected the government’s new-found sympathy for Maoism, its rejection of democracy and its long-standing sensitivities over Tibet and Taiwan. Alastair Sloan reports
The sacking of a renowned journalist has sent shockwaves through the grieving country’s media. Christi Van Der Westhuizen reports
This is the moment to remember massive changes in South African life that are Nelson Mandela’s legacy says Rachael Jolley
Freedom of expression in Africa. Index on Censorship covers free speech, freedom of religion, artistic freedom on the continent of Africa.