The summer issue of Index magazine concentrated its efforts on the developing situation between Russia and Ukraine and consequential effects around Europe and the world. We decided to give voice to journalists, artists and dissidents who chose to...

The summer issue of Index magazine concentrated its efforts on the developing situation between Russia and Ukraine and consequential effects around Europe and the world. We decided to give voice to journalists, artists and dissidents who chose to...
A reconciliation dialogue promised after the death last April of the central African country’s president is in turmoil
Meet the three shortlisted journalists for this year’s award
Meet the three shortlisted campaigners and campaign groups for this year’s award
Alert filed with Council of Europe over key media being unable to hold Priti Patel to account as she announces migrant plan
The spring issue of Index magazine is special. We are celebrating 50 years of history and to such a milestone we've decided to look back at the thorny path that brought us here. Editors from our five decades of life have accepted our invitation to...
Index award winner reveals ordeal after she shared an article on drug trafficking in Niger
The Winter issue of Index magazine highlights the battles fought by theatre of resistance across the world and how they've been enduring different forms of censorship. Writer Jonathan Maitland dives deeply into the history of theatre censorship in...
The nation’s natural resources are being plundered and it’s those doing the damage who are being protected
The Autumn issue of Index magazine focuses on the struggle for environmental justice by indigenous campaigners. Anticipating the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), in Glasgow, in November, we've chosen to give voice to people who are...
Freedom of expression in Africa. Index on Censorship covers free speech, freedom of religion, artistic freedom on the continent of Africa.