The Indian government is revoking the status of its overseas citizens and denying visas for those critical of Modi

The Indian government is revoking the status of its overseas citizens and denying visas for those critical of Modi
Journalists tell Index how a new type of visa is vital to protect lives and stop media censorship. Rachael Jolley reports
A coalition of 12 press freedom and civil liberties groups from around the world, including Index on Censorshp, will intervene in a VICE News case seeking to keep confidential conversations between its reporter Ben Makuch and a source from being turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
Knowledge, claimed Francis Bacon, is power. It is also money. Which is why Canada’s newly drafted Digital Privacy Act, Bill S-4, is considered by the privacy fraternity to be a demon of some proportions, Binoy Kampmark writes
Canadian journalists will face fines for commenting on the striking action of trade unionists under new legislation passed in Alberta.
New legislation imposes fines on journalists in the Canadian province of Alberta who show their support to striking union members
Despite having a generally positive free expression record, Canada has, in recent years, taken some regressive steps.
This year has seen significant developments in Canada’s hate speech legislation, say attorneys Ryder Gilliland and Adam Lazier.