Another reporter kidnapped in Sinaloa

Another reporter kidnapped in Sinaloa

[UPDATE] The Committee to Protect Journalists reports that Salazar was found dead early on Thursday 25 August in Sinaloa near the state capital, Culiacán, with a gunshot wound to the head. Humberto Millán Salazar, a journalist from the north...

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Anti-technology group behind university bombs

In a nation already accustomed to a high-levels of crime-related violence, the recent activities of a little known anarchist group have left Mexicans baffled. The explosion of a parcel bomb sent to a nanotechnology professor at the prestigious...

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Journalists fleeing violence in Veracruz

The recent murders of three journalists have spread fear throughout the small community of night police reporters in the coastal city of Veracruz, southern Mexico.  All three victims worked for Notiver, a tabloid known for its lurid crime...

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State PR exercise fails

Last May, the national television network Televisa transmitted a new series about the Mexican federal police. El Equipo is similar to US crime dramas like CSI which are popular in Mexico. It was shown nightly for three weeks, with each episode...

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Murder of Facundo Cabral a blow to free speech

The recent murder of Argentine singer Facundo Cabral in Guatemala is an incredible tragedy. Cabral, a pacifist and one of Latin America's most celebrated protest singers, left his country in 1973 for almost a decade after a military junta took over...

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Drug wars threatening Mexican crime reporting

The back to back murders of two prominent crime journalists have cast a dark shadow over Mexican press freedom. Miguel Angel Lopez Velasco, 55, a former deputy director and well established crime columnist for the newspaper Notiver of Veracuz was...

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Pirate community radio operators fined and jailed

Community radio stations have had a difficult time in Latin America in the last four years. In Mexico, Brazil and Chile, community radios have been penalised for operating without a government license, according to Aleida Callejas, local director...

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Citizen journalism fills a void

Mexico City is the third largest city in the world. And like every major city, its citizens have a love hate relationship with governability. But in the 2010 barometer of the Americas, conducted by Vanderbilt University, 40 per cent of Mexican...

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