Violence against journalists in Colombia has escalated recently, with paramilitary groups issuing threats against reporters all over the country. The threats are worrisome for a country, where drug traffickers, corrupt politicians, leftist...
Community radio conflicts
Community radio station have grown more popular in Mexico in the last few years creating conflicts with private radio networks. It is expected new laws which will either expand or retract the operating room for these low wattage radio stations will...
Lucha Libre wrestler remains unmasked in topless row
The 1962 film Santoy las Mujeres Vampiro (Santo and the Vampire Women) was due to be screened for the first time last week at Mexico's Guadalajara Film Festiva. Unfortunately, one wrestler's relatives intervened and got the film pulled from the...
Presumed Guilty found innocent
The scandal caused by the banning of the documentary Presunto Culpable Presumed Guilty has given a shot of life to Mexicans. On Wednesday, after a legal battle of several days, the film was again allowed to be shown to the public. The Sixth...
Award-winning documentary “Presunto Culpable” banned
A Mexican judge has ordered a temporary ban of Presunto Culpable, Presumed Guilty, an independent documentary that depicts the faults in public justice procurement in Mexico. The film (view trailer here)had been released to considerable acclaim and...
Aristegui reinstated
Carmen Aristegui, the radio broadcaster who was forced off the air recently, hit the wave lengths again this week after MVS, the Mexican radio station that had kicked her out of her early morning spot agreed to put her back. Aristegui had been...
Top journalist sacked for reporting rumours Mexico’s president is an alcoholic
Mexico's latest media scandal is the dismissal of popular radio and television host Carmen Aristegui, an incisive journalist who worked for the MVS radio network in the early morning slot. Her removal from the air was confirmed yesterday by...
2012 will see Mexico’s Twitter election
In Mexico, politicians have began using social media to campaign. But they seem baffled as to how to deal with angry voters. State Governor Enrique Peña Nieto, potentially the next presidential candidate for the Institutional Revolutionary Party...
Mental health in the Mexican press
Mexico City has introduced a new law that seeks to protect mental health patients. The law, issued in December 2010, will promote the rights of mental patients. The decision by the local city government came just weeks after Disability Rights...
Social networks to play big role in Mexican elections
Online social networks will be serious players during the next year's Mexican presidential elections. Electoral reform pushed through in 2008 means Mexican political parties cannot advertise on television. “That reform has totally changed elections...