Agfhan reporter’s flight to safety in Paris from the Taliban is the moment you chose as part of our year-end campaign

Agfhan reporter’s flight to safety in Paris from the Taliban is the moment you chose as part of our year-end campaign
The Index team and our supporters have come together to identify moments in the past 12 months when the world did not seem so dark. Help us choose the most inspiring
Afghan girls are being denied access to higher education. The Begum Academy is trying to change that
A week after winning an Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression award, Pen Path’s co-founder has been released from a prison in Afghanistan
Index on Censorship has recognised activists and campaigners from Afghanistan, India and Iran for their work at its annual awards ceremony
Artists, activists and journalists from Afghanistan, India, Myanmar and Somalia are among the nominations for this year’s awards
Meet the people carrying out courageous, high-impact and determined journalism that exposes censorship and threats to free expression
Meet the activists and campaigners who have had a marked impact in fighting censorship and promoting freedom of expression