The big platforms are kowtowing to Indian government pressure to censor dissent while hateful content is promoted
CATEGORY: Asia and Pacific
Shortlists announced for the 2023 Freedom of Expression Awards
Artists, activists and journalists from Afghanistan, India, Myanmar and Somalia are among the nominations for this year’s awards
Nominees for the 2023 Freedom of Expression Awards – Journalism
Meet the people carrying out courageous, high-impact and determined journalism that exposes censorship and threats to free expression
Nominees for the 2023 Freedom of Expression Awards – Campaigning
Meet the activists and campaigners who have had a marked impact in fighting censorship and promoting freedom of expression
Nominees for the 2023 Freedom of Expression Awards – Arts
Meet the artists and arts producers whose work challenges repression and injustice and celebrates artistic free expression
Parliament’s China spying scandal breaks the bond of trust
The arrest of a parliamentary researcher will have worrying implications for Chinese dissidents and their families
The day the music died
When Kabul fell to the Taliban two years ago today, musicians were among the first to experience repression
Contents – Express yourself: Overcoming neurodiversity stereotypes
Contents – Express yourself: Overcoming neurodiversity stereotypes
Report: At what cost? Chinese funding and academic freedom in Europe
Read our publication on Chinese funding and academic freedom in Europe as part of our #BannedByBeijing campaign