The past week has been busy for Index and in Hong Kong. It is up to us all to ensure award winners and political prisoners are not forgotten

The past week has been busy for Index and in Hong Kong. It is up to us all to ensure award winners and political prisoners are not forgotten
Campaigners, artists and journalists from Iran, Palestine, Russia and Uganda are named in awards ceremony in London this week
At a time of growing conflict, threats and censorship, the shortlist for this year’s Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression award highlights the courageous work carried out by individuals and organisations around the world to defend free expression, the right to know and oppose censorship
Index on Censorship has recognised activists and campaigners from Afghanistan, India and Iran for their work at its annual awards ceremony
Artists, activists and journalists from Afghanistan, India, Myanmar and Somalia are among the nominations for this year’s awards
Meet the people carrying out courageous, high-impact and determined journalism that exposes censorship and threats to free expression
Meet the activists and campaigners who have had a marked impact in fighting censorship and promoting freedom of expression
Meet the artists and arts producers whose work challenges repression and injustice and celebrates artistic free expression
The “bravery and brilliance” of free expression champions from China, Cuba, Russia and Ukraine celebrated at annual awards
Andrey Kurkov is the winner in the 2022 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Trustees Award category
The Freedom of Expression Awards and Fellowship is a key Index on Censorship programme designed to highlight and amplify the work of some of the world’s most courageous defenders of freedom of expression. Previous winners include Journalist Fergal Keane, novelist Ma Jian, lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa, activist Malala Yousafzai, cartoonist Ali Ferzat, journalists Anna Politkovskaya and Fergal Keane, and Bahrain Center for Human Rights. Learn more.