The “bravery and brilliance” of free expression champions from China, Cuba, Russia and Ukraine celebrated at annual awards

The “bravery and brilliance” of free expression champions from China, Cuba, Russia and Ukraine celebrated at annual awards
Andrey Kurkov is the winner in the 2022 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Trustees Award category
OVD-Info is the winner in the 2022 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Campaigning category
Sophia Huang Xueqin is a Chinese activist and journalist and is the winner of the 2022 Freedom of Expression Award in the journalism category
Hamlet Lavastida is the 2022 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Arts Fellow
Meet the three shortlisted journalists for this year’s award
Meet the three shortlisted campaigners and campaign groups for this year’s award
Meet the three shortlisted artists for this year’s award