Angolan journalist and human rights activist Rafael Marques de Morais, joint winner of the 2015 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award for Journalism, spoke at the ceremony in London on 18 March
CATEGORY: Fellowship
Arts 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 2015 Freedom of Expression Arts Award-winner is rapper Mouad “El Haqed” Belghouat, has not only seen his...
Campaigning 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 2015 Freedom of Expression Campaigning Award-winner is activist Amran Abdundi, who, through various channels,...
#IndexAwards2015: Digital activism nominee Tamás Bodoky and is an investigative news outlet founded and managed by Tamás Bodoky, the main goal of which is to promote free, transparent circulation of information in Hungary
Digital Activism 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 2015 Freedom of Expression Digital Activism Award-winner is journalist Tamás Bodoky, who founded the...
Journalism 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2015 Freedom of Expression Journalism Award-winner Rafael Marques de Morais has exposed government and industry...
#IndexAwards2015: Campaigning nominee Amran Abdundi
Amran Abdundi is a women’s rights activist based in northeastern Kenya. She runs the Frontier Indigenous Network, an organisation which mobilises female peace builders and rights activists to set up shelters along the dangerous border with Somalia.
Journalism 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2015 Freedom of Expression Arts Journalism-winner Safa Al Ahmad has spent the last three years covertly filming a...
#IndexAwards2015: Arts nominee Mouad “El Haqed” Belghouat
Mouad Belghouat is a Moroccan rapper and human rights activist who releases music under the moniker El Haqed, roughly translated as ‘The Enraged’.
#IndexAwards2015: Journalism nominee Rafael Marques de Morais
Rafael Marques de Morais is an Angolan journalist and human rights activist. He is currently facing nine charges of defamation after publishing on human rights abuses committed during diamond mining operations in Angola.