On Monday, 26 press-freedom, civil-rights, labour and civil-liberties groups submitted a letter urging a regional U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office to release unjustly detained journalist Manuel Duran Ortega.
CATEGORY: Campaigns — Featured
EU proposal on funding must include media freedom
“A free media is essential for holding state authorities, including their legal system, accountable.”
Media freedom in the US under threat, report finds
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Threats to media increased during the Obama administration, which brought record number of whistleblower...
Russia: Telegram block leads to widespread assault on freedom of expression online
We strongly condemn the attempts by the Russian Federation to block the internet messaging service Telegram, which have resulted in extensive violations of freedom of expression and access to information
Guilty verdicts against the Cumhuriyet journalists and executives must be overturned
International NGOs call on the institutions of the Council of Europe and its member states to remind Turkey of its international obligation to respect and protect human rights
Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market “destined to become a nightmare”
We are deeply concerned that the text proposed by the Bulgarian Presidency in no way reflects a balanced compromise, whether on substance or from the perspective of the many legitimate concerns that have been raised
Confronting SLAPP suits: Don’t let them silence you
As part of our work on media freedom, Index on Censorship is launching a campaign to raise awareness among journalists and activists about the increasing use of legal threats as a means of silencing critics and investigative reporting.
Ealing’s “safe zones” could damage right to protest
Index on Censorship is deeply concerned that the adoption of a buffer zone around an abortion clinic in Ealing would set a dangerous precedent that could have far-reaching impacts on the right to protest and freedom of expression
Bahrain: NGOs call for release of human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja on 7th anniversary of his arrest
Seven years ago this month, renowned human rights defender and former Index award winner Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja was dragged from his home in Bahrain,...
Turkish authorities must halt their repression of Kurdish culture and language
The undersigned international press freedom groups call on Turkish authorities to immediately release the 12 printworkers and staff arrested on 28 March at the premises and print works of the newspaper Özgürlükçü Demokrasi and the further 15 staff taken into custody after home raids on the morning of 29 March 2018