Anjem Choudary is an extremist. His views are repugnant and to be countered at every opportunity, but he should be allowed to express them.
CATEGORY: Campaigns — Featured
The Bahrain 13: One year since Index magazine sent to jailed academic and blogger
One year has passed since Index magazine editor Rachael Jolley sent a copy of the publication to jailed Bahraini activist and writer Abduljalil Al-Singace
Turkey’s continuing crackdown on the press must end
The silencing — even temporarily — of one of Turkey’s last independent papers underscores the severe erosion of freedom of expression in the country.
Cybercrime law adopted in Saint Vincent and Grenadines is fundamentally flawed
Index on Censorship has joined the IFEX coalition to express deep concern by the cybercrime law adopted in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Letter: UK must question Bahrain’s record on press freedom
Index, Reporters Without Borders and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy have written to the UK government about Bahrain’s record on press freedom.
Bahrain must end harassment of human rights defender Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman
IFEX members call on the Government of Bahrain to stop the judicial harassment of Sheikh Maytham Al-Salman, and to allow human rights defenders to exercise their right to freedom of expression.
Yavuz Baydar: As academic freedom recedes, intellectuals begin an exodus from Turkey
The stream may be small right now, a trickle, but it is unmistakable. Turkey’s academics and its secular elite are quietly and slowly making their way for the exits.
Press freedom groups call on Bangladesh to release British journalist
International groups have written to Bangladesh’s government about the ongoing detention of Shafik Rehman, an elderly journalist.
Turkey’s rising censorship: How did we get here?
The spotlight has been on Turkey following the attempted coup against President Recep Erdogan and the government’s ensuing crackdown on journalists, teachers, judges and soldiers. How did it come to this?
Bahrain: Rights of Nazeeha Saeed and all journalists to report must be respected
We, the undersigned, express our deep concern with the Bahraini Public Prosecution’s decision to charge Nazeeha Saeed, correspondent for Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya and France24, with unlawfully working for international media.