The Winter issue of Index magazine highlights the battles fought by theatre of resistance across the world and how they've been enduring different forms of censorship. Writer Jonathan Maitland dives deeply into the history of theatre censorship in...
CATEGORY: Academic Freedom Letters

Flemming Rose responds to the University of Cape Town
The University of Cape Town rescinded an invitation to journalist and editor Flemming Rose, who had been scheduled to deliver the annual TB Davie lecture on academic freedom in August.
NUS: Revise safe space and no platform policies
On 17 March 2016 from 5-6pm, we will be holding a protest at the office of the NUS, Macadam House, 275 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8QB. Join Us. Also Tweet “I call on @nusuk to revise safe space and no platform policies to facilitate not restrict...

Letter: Academic freedom is under threat and needs urgent protection
With threats ranging from “no-platforming”, to governments trying to suppress critical voices, and corporate controls on research funding, academics and writers from across the world have signed Index’s open letter on why academic freedom needs urgent protection