Index on Censorship responds to seven specific policy proposals, including the appointment of a Free Speech and Academic Freedom Champion

Index on Censorship responds to seven specific policy proposals, including the appointment of a Free Speech and Academic Freedom Champion
We declare our solidarity with Academics for Peace, and with all progressives under threat in Turkey.
Index on Censorship welcomes the call by Minister Jo Johnson for freedom of expression to be better protected in universities.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As organisations dedicated to protecting freedom of expression, we write to comment on the calls for a boycott against Simon & Schuster because Threshold Editions, one of its imprints, has contracted to...
Index on Censorship is appalled by the decision by the University of Cape Town to rescind an invitation to Danish editor Flemming Rose to deliver the annual TB Davie lecture on academic freedom
On 17 March 2016 from 5-6pm, we will be holding a protest at the office of the NUS, Macadam House, 275 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8QB. Join Us. Also Tweet “I call on @nusuk to revise safe space and no platform policies to facilitate not restrict...