In September 2019, London-based photographer Yumna Al-Arashi announced that one of her photographs, showing women in a hammam, had been taken down by Instagram because, according to the platform, it fell foul of the community’s standards on adult...

In September 2019, London-based photographer Yumna Al-Arashi announced that one of her photographs, showing women in a hammam, had been taken down by Instagram because, according to the platform, it fell foul of the community’s standards on adult...
The Victory is Not an Option exhibition is a great example of how with the right training and preparation controversial art can inspire and reward
Index’s case study on the production of a play covering the Trojan Horse affair
Julia Farrington explores the development of The Believers Are But Brothers, a play exploring the radicalisation of young men and the legal limits of freedom of expression.
As part of its Art and Offence programme exploring censorship and self-censorship in the arts, Index on Censorship researches examples of censorship in UK theatre, film and visual arts. Index looked at the case of Positive Hell — a short documentary film that challenges the scientific consensus on HIV and AIDS.
Spiritual America 2014 Xenofon Kavvadias As part of Index on Censorship’s programme looking into art, law and offence in the UK, this case study looks at Xenofon Kavvadias’s mission to exhibit Spiritual America by Richard Prince in public,...
Throughout Index on Censorship’s Art and the Law information packs, the lawyers who wrote them stress that the packs offer guidance only and are not a substitute for legal advice. Knowing about the law helps an artist or an organisation identify...
"The law is no less conceptual than fine art" Exhibition of Illegal Books by Xenofon Kavvadias 10 Vyner Street London E8 5th May - 17th June 2011 Description of the work In this show books that are or can be considered illegal under contemporary UK...
This is an account of the policing of the demonstration organised by Boycott the Human Zoo Campaign on the opening night of Brett Bailey’s theatrical installation Exhibit B presented by the Barbican at the Vaults Waterloo.
As part of our work on art, offence and the law, Julia Farrington, associate arts producer, Index on Censorship, interviewed Eva Pepper, DV8’s executive producer about how she prepared for potential hostility that the show Can We Talk About This?...