Maggi Hambling’s A Sculpture for Mary Wollstonecraft has been roundly criticised, with some trying to censor its nakedness

Maggi Hambling’s A Sculpture for Mary Wollstonecraft has been roundly criticised, with some trying to censor its nakedness
In September 2019, London-based photographer Yumna Al-Arashi announced that one of her photographs, showing women in a hammam, had been taken down by Instagram because, according to the platform, it fell foul of the community’s standards on adult...
The Victory is Not an Option exhibition is a great example of how with the right training and preparation controversial art can inspire and reward
Index’s case study on the production of a play covering the Trojan Horse affair
When Dave Connis worked in his local library in Tennessee, contentious books would frequently disappear. They would, he told Index, just “never come back” and instead be “lost” to the world.
Since winning the 2019 Index Award for Campaigning, CRNI has been monitoring the situation with Badiucao, a Chinese dissident cartoonist living in exile in Australia
Toni Morrison — a revered author, critic, professor, and editor of literature focussed on the African-American experience — died on the evening of 6 August, due to complications from pneumonia. She was 88.
The top 11 most often banned books of 2018 reveal what kinds of ideas our culture wants to censor — and what audiences are the most likely to be limited because of censorship.
Nothing defined 20th-century American culture quite like the comic book. But soon after after comics rose in popularity, the industry drew criticism.
Paul Dorr, a director of a Christian organisation, is set to stand trial for burning books he checked out of the Orange City library in Iowa