The New Delhi High Court has given Facebook and Google one month to submit suggestions on how minors can be protected online in India. Mahima Kaul reports
CATEGORY: Digital Freedom
Political turmoil distracts Czechs from mass surveillance
In a country in the midst of political turmoil, the news of mass surveillance generated little interest from Czechs. Lucie Kavanova writes
South Africa: Confronting choices about free expression
As the G20 nations prepare to meet in St Petersburg, Russia in early September, Index on Censorship is exploring the nations’ records on free expression. Today: Christi van der Westhuizen reports on South Africa
Bringing global human rights into the surveillance debate
Surveillance strikes at the heart of global digital communications and severely threatens human rights in the digital age. Leslie Harris, president and CEO of the Center for Democracy & Technology writes
Welcome to my world: An open letter to Edward Snowden
Roman Dobrokhotov has some words of wisdom for Russia’s newest resident, Edward Snowden. Translated by John Crowfoot.
Caitlin Moran: a response
Being wary of quick fixes for online abuse is not the same as being dismissive of misogyny, says Padraig Reidy
We can make Twitter better, but never perfect
Online misogny is a complex problem with no single solution, says Padraig Reidy
Mass surveillance or just Big Data?
States, and companies, collecting huge amounts of data on people and populations around the world. Is this a mass surveillance nightmare – the digital Stasi roaming free – or just big data and we should get over it? Kirsty Hughes writes
Can we change how we talk about the web?
If we want the web to be a positive place for young people, we need to start talking about the positive things that happen there, says Padraig Reidy
Tell Europe’s leaders to stop mass surveillance #dontspyonme
Index on Censorship has launched a petition calling on European Union Heads of Government to stop the US, UK and other governments from carrying out mass surveillance.