Even rainstorms can be sensitive in China. The recent storm in Beijing which killed at least 77 people caused the censors to come out in force, with newspapers told to can coverage and online accounts of the deluge snipped. But with 500 million...
CATEGORY: Digital Freedom

Mere conduit no more: Italian court threatens international web freedom
UPDATE: An appeals court in Milan acquitted today three Google executives of violating the privacy of an Italian boy with autism, in the so-called "Vividown" case. “We’re very happy that the verdict has been reversed and our colleagues’ names have...
WCIT12 — The UK stood up for internet freedom
Dominique Lazanski: WCIT12 — The UK stood up for internet freedom
The future of internet governance? I wouldn’t start from here
After two weeks of negotiations, the threat of extended government influence over the internet remains. Rohan Jayasekera looks back on WCIT
Plus: Dominique Lazanski on how the UK stood up for online freedoms at WCIT
Standing up to threats to digital freedom: Can we keep the internet free?
The future of the internet is at stake as major governance decisions are made. The battle lines are being drawn between those who see freedom of expression as a fundamental human right in the digital world as much as it is offline, and those that consider the control of information and ideas as a priority for the state.

The future of internet governance? I wouldn't start from here
If there was ever any doubt that the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) was the wrong body to run the internet, you only needed to look at its handling of its own World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT), which...

Communications Data Bill: Setback for UK government as “snooper’s charter” slammed
Home Secretary Theresa May’s plan to store information on every citizen’s use of email, the web, and phones have been dealt a severe blow by a parliamentary committee. Padraig Reidy reports

How the law caught up with the internet
As online freedom comes under attack from big business and governments alike, Jennifer Granick assesses the legal landscape

Beacons of freedom: The changing face of Anonymous
Online irreverent political protest is here to stay. But, asks Gabriella Coleman, what will be the legacy for digital freedom?

Internet revolution in crisis
WCIT 12: Milton Mueller asks if governments are turning their backs on the global internet? A push to change the business model that delivers online content could stifle innovation and make the net an instrument of sovereignty, stuck behind national walled gardens