CATEGORY: Digital Freedom

Vietnam: Pro-democracy website hacked

Hackers launched a sustained attack against pro-democracy website Viet Tan on 13 August in a denial-of-service (DDoS) operation. Of the 77,000 IP addresses employed, 73 per cent originated from Vietnam. The Hanoi government's firewall on...

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Bahrain: Human rights website blocked

Bahraini authorities have blocked access to the website of the Bahrain Justice and Development Movement, a London-based group consisting mainly of Bahraini exiles that denounces human rights violations in the country and advocates democratic...

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China: Internet surveillance boosted

New regulations have been enforced in an area of central Beijing requiring bars, restaurants, hotels and bookstores to install web monitoring software. The software costs businesses around 20,000 RMB (£1,900) and provides public security officials...

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