Olga Birukova examines the online activism that is keeping pressure on Lukashenko

Olga Birukova examines the online activism that is keeping pressure on Lukashenko
Emily Badger: Defining the US role in promoting Internet freedom
Emily Butselaar: Let’s take back the internet! Rebecca MacKinnon at TED
Australian service providers, including Telstra and Optus, will voluntarily block websites deemed by the government as showing and disseminating child pornography. Those who attempt to access the blacklisted sites will be redirected to the site of...
Today, 1 July, is the Communist Party's 90th birthday. In celebration, Chinese web censors have been working feverishly to tighten their control of the internet. Those of us who try to sidestep the Great Firewall with a VPN, a service that allows...
New laws could could give French authorities web-blocking powers unrivaled in the democratic world. Félix Tréguer reports
Leaked documents have revealed British government plans that could seriously affect web users. Peter Bradwell reports
Western policymakers must proceed with caution when considering online surveillance and web-blocking; their actions impact on human rights abroad, argues Cynthia Wong
A journalist appeared in Kampala Magistrates Court yesterday charged with criminal libel. Timothy Kalyegira, the editor of Uganda Record, a website which has been critical of the country’s governing National Resistance Movement. Kalyegira was...
Emily Badger: WikiLeaks not so simple to replicate after all